Study Programmes

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Integrated Master's Degree in Veterinary Medicine

Mestrado Integrado em Medicina Veterinária

Area code 0841: Veterinary (ISCED-F 2013) | 330 ECTS
Teaching Language: English


Lectures Lab/Clinic TP
1st Year / Winter Semester
9847101 Introduction to Animal Organism 26 26 - 3
9847102 Animal Organism I — From Molecule to Cell 26 52 - 6
9847103 Animal Organism II — From Cell to Tissue 26 52 - 6
9847104 Animal Organism III — From tissue to organism 26 52 - 6
9847105 Genetic fundaments: from the genome to the population 26 39 5
9847106 Veterinarian and Society 13 - 13 2
9847107 Professional Orientation I — clinical and research laboratory - - 2
1st Year / Spring Semester
9847108 Animal Body Function I 26 52 - 6
9847109 Animal Body Function II 26 26 - 3
9847110 Animal Body Function III 26 26 - 3
9847111 Animal behaviour 26 26 - 3
9847112 Introduction to diagnosis 26 26 - 3
9847113 Plant Biology, Agriculture and Environment 26 - 39 4
9847114 Scientific thinking 26 - 39 4
9847115 Exognosis 26 - 39 4
2nd Year / Winter Semester
9847201 Animal Body Function IV
26 26 - 3
9847202 Animal Body Function V 26 26 - 3
9847203 Animal Body Function VI 26 26 - 3
9847204 Animal Body Function VII 26 26 - 3
9847205 Economics,Management and Marketing 26 26 - 3
9847206 Immunology fundaments 26 39 - 4
9847207 Microbiology, Infection, Immunity 39 65 - 7
9847208 Professional Orientation II — Animal Production and Farm Animals - 39 - 2
2nd Year / Spring Semester
9847209 Optional I 13 - 13 2
9847210 Animal Body Function VIII 26 - 26 3
9847211 Animal Body Function IX 26 - 26 3
9847212 Animal Body Function X 26 - 26 3
9847213 Parasitology, Infection, Immunity 39 - 65 7
9847214 Pharmacology and Therapeutics I 26 26 26 6
9847215 Animal Nutrition 26 13 26 4
9847216 Orientation III— Animal Production and Farm Animals - 39 - 2
3rd Year / Winter Semester
9847301 Integrated Clinical Reasoning I 26 26 26 6
9847302 Animal Feeding 26 - 39 4
9847303 Hygiene and Food Safety 26 13 26 4
9847304 Food and Animal Products Technology I 26 13 26 4
9847305 Pharmacology and Therapeutics I 26 39 - 4
9847306 Analgesia and Anesthesia 26 - 39 4
9847307 Professional Orientation IV — Companion Animals and Equine - 39 - 2
9847308 Optional III  13 - 13 2
3rd Year / Spring Semester
9847309 Integrated Clinical Reasoning I 26 26 26 6
9847310 Epidemiology 26 - 26 3
9847311 Food and Animal Products Technology II  26 13 26 5
9847312 Toxicology  26 13 26 4
9847313 Animal Welfare and Protection  26 - 39 4
9847314 Fundamentals of Pathology and Pathological Anatomy 26 39 - 4
9847315 Professional Orientation V — Companion Animals and Equine  - 39 - 2
9847316 Optional IV  13 13 - 2
4th Year / Winter Semester
9847401 Medicine and Surgery I 26 52 - 6
9847402 Medicine and Surgery II 26 39 - 4
9847403 Medicine and Surgery III 26 52 - 6
9847404 Medicine and Surgery IV  26 39 - 4
9847405 Veterinary Sanitary Responsibilities I 26 52 - 6
9847406 Zootechnics I 26 13 26 4
9847407 Medicine and Surgery V 26 39 - 4
4th Year / Spring Semester
9847408 Medicine and Surgery VI  26 39  - 4
9847409 Medicine and Surgery VII 26 39 - 4
9847410 Medicine and Surgery VIII 13  13 - 2
9847411 Medicine and Surgery IX  26 26 - 3
9847412 Medicine and Surgery X 26 26 - 3
9847413 Veterinary Sanitary Responsibilities II 26 52 - 6
9847414 Zootechnics II 26  39 - 4
5th Year 
9847505 Companion Animals Applied Clinic I 26 52 - 5
9847506 Equine Applied Clinic I  26 52 - 5
9847507 Management and Health of Livestock I  26 52 - 5
9847508 Applied Veterinary Public Health I 26 52 - 5
9847513 Companion Animals Applied Clinic I 26 52 - 5
9847514 Equine Applied Clinic II 26 52 - 5
9847515 Management and Health of Livestock II 26 52 - 5
9847516 Applied Veterinary Public Health II 26 52 - 5
6th Year
9847601 Externship - 520 - 30


Lectures Lab/Clinic TP
9847209 Optional I 13 - 13 2
9847217 Optional II 13 - 13 2
9847308 Optional III 13 - 13 2
9847316 Optional IV  13 - 13 2
Optativa B Specialization Module - Companion Animals I - 195 - 10
Optativa B
Specialization Module - Equine I - 195 - 10
Optativa B
Specialization Module - Management and Health of Livestock I - 195 - 10
Optativa B
Specialization Module - Applied Veterinary Public Health I - 195 - 10
Optativa B
Specialization Module - Companion Animals II - 195 - 10
Optativa B Specialization Module - Equine II - 195 - 10
Optativa B Specialization Module - Management and Health of Livestock II - 195 - 10
Optativa B Specialization Module - Applied Veterinary Public Health II - 195 - 10

Optativa. a) As Unidades Curriculares de Opção são definidas anualmente pelo órgão competente e podem pertencer a qualquer uma das áreas científicas especificadas no ciclo de estudos. Os estudantes só escolhem uma das Unidades Curriculares de Opção, disponibilizadas.

Optativa. b) Módulos especializantes — o estudante escolhe um dos módulos especializantes em cada semestre.