
Physiotherapy in Special Populations I2

Fisioterapia em Populações Especiais II

Course code:9504310

Paula Cristina Marcelino Cardoso

Learning outcomes of the curricular unit:

Descongestive Lymphatic Therapy / Oncology / Pain / palliative

  • Describe the physiopathology of the edeme lymphatic /lymphedeme
  • Execute the maneuvers of the lymphatic drainage and multilayer bands
  • Execute the maneuvers of the lymphatic drainage and multilayer bands
  • Assess the edema and suggest the most appropriate treatment plan
  • Identify the physiotherapist objectives in oncology
  • Describe the weighting factors in the activities of the physiotherapist
  • Identify the functional complications as a result of the disease/ treatment of breast cancer, larynx cancer and colorectal cancer
  • Explain the physiology of pain, different types, therapeutic and measuring instruments
  • Perceive the need for palliative care
  • Identify the specificities and the limits in the intervention of the physiotherapist

Integrated Continued Care Health (Icch) 

  • Define the concepts of integrated continued care health, Secondary and Tertiary Prevention
  • Identify the role of the physiotherapist in ICCH
  • Prepare, Reflect and Apply based on evidence, methodology of intervention in ICCH
  • Know the legislation that regulates integrates continued care health
  • Know the National Health plan and the ICF, Inability and Health
  • Identify and implement good practices in their thematic


    Anatomy and physiology of the lymphatic system.
    Etiology and Physiopathology of edema.
    Classification and evaluation of edema.
    Treatment of Lymphedema- TLD.
    Anatomy of the upper (UL) and lower limb (LL).
    Therapeutic lymphatic drainage – UL and LL.
    Multi -layers bands –UL and LL.
    Elastic restraint.
    Fases of the lymphedema treatment.
    Prophylaxis of lymphedema.
    Malignant tumors classification (TMN system).
    Oncologic Therapies.
    Oncology rehabilitation therapy team.
    Physiotherapy and Oncology.
    Breast, larynx and colorectal cancer intervention.
  3. PAIN
    Physiology of pain.
    Pain theories.
    Evaluation and types of pain.
    Multidisciplinary treatment.
    Definition, Source and historical development of PC.
    Unit of PC, Levels of differentiation.
    Interdisciplinary team.
    Therapies available.
    Ethic, Euthanasia, Dysthanasia.
    Intervention of the physiotherapist in palliative care / Limitation of care.
Suggested Bibliography:
  • Ezzo J et al (2016). Manual lymphatic drainage for following brest canceer treatment. Cochrane Database Syst Rev (5)
  • Leduc A, Leduc O (2000) Drenagem Linfática: Teoria e Pratica, 2nd ed., Paris, Manole
  • Leduc O (2008) European Consensus – “Rehabilitation After Breast Cancer Treatment”, The European Journal of Lymphology,19 (55), 14-19
  • Ferrandez JC, Serin D (2006) Rééducation et cancer du sein, 2nd ed., Paris, Elsevier Masson
  • Foldi M & Foldi E (Eds) (2006) Foldi's Textbook of Lymphology: for Physicians and Lymphedema Therapists.Elsevier, Urban & Fischer
  • Devita VT & Rosenberg H (2005) Cancer: Principles and Pratice of Oncology, 8th ed., Philadelphia, Lippincott Raven Publishers
  • International Society of Lymphology (2013) The diagnosis and treatment of pheripheral lymphedema: Consensus Documento of the international Society of Lymphology, Lymphology, 46, 1-11
  • Lu et al (2015) Role of physiotherapy and patients education in lymphedema control following breast cancer surgery. Therapeutics and Clinical Risk Management.11, 319-327