
Scientific Research and Evidence-Based Oral Health1

Investigação Científica e Medicina Dentária Baseada na Evidência

Course code:9548118

João Eduardo da Fonseca de Freitas Dias

Learning outcomes of the curricular unit:

Evidence Based Dentistry (EBD) shall provide information as it seeks to restructure the way we should think about clinical problems.

The methods of MDBE are relatively simple and unbiased:

  • Ask questions based on the evidence (hypothesizing)
  • Research of current best evidence (eg Medline, Embase and Cochrane)
  • Critical evaluation of information (to be valid and important information?)
  • Apply this information to the problem of patient or their issues (eg in the diagnosis, prognosis, treatment, injury potential area)

The practice of evidence-based medicine means integrating individual clinical expertise with the best available external clinical evidence from systematic research result. It is understood by individual clinical expertise the proficiency and judgment that individual clinicians acquire through clinical experience and practice. The greatest experience is reflected in many ways, but especially in more effective and accurate diagnosis and more conscious identification of the needs of patients, their rights and preferences in making decisions about health care to be given to them.

By best available external clinical evidence we mean clinically relevant research, often based in the basic sciences of medicine, but especially from patient centred clinical research based on the accuracy and precision of diagnostic tests (including the clinical examination), the power of prognostic markers and the efficacy and safety of therapeutic, rehabilitative, and preventive regimens".

With the practice of the future MDBE Dentist should be able to analyse, evaluate and interpret critically, a scientific paper using the guidelines for systematic analysis and ultimately determine the relevance and usefulness of this for their future clinical practice. The goal of this course is to familiarize the student with: (I) the concept of EBD; (2) the guidelines for the analysis of a scientific paper; (3) important methodological and statistical concepts; (4) the main models of research and levels of evidence

  1. Introduction to the methodology of scientific thought.
  2. Scientific research in biological sciences.
  3. Research method and methodology.
  4. Quantitative and Qualitative Research.
  5. Descriptive, Experimental and Correlational Research.
  6. Generic steps of a research project.
  7. Essential steps of an investigation.
  8. Bibliographic searches.
  9. Types of scientific information (primary and secondary).
  10. General layout of a scientific paper.
  11. Bibliographical Reviews (narrative review and systematic review).
  12. Meta analysis.
  13. Critical assessment of systematic reviews.
  14. Experimental design. Types of clinical trials: observational and experimental.
  15. Measures of association in clinical studies.
  16. Evidence Based Dentistry (MDBE).
  17. Evidence Levels.
  18. Critical appraisal of scientific literature.
  19. Populations and sampling.
  20. Choice of variables.
  21. Statistics.
  22. Scientific production of presentation forms.
Suggested Bibliography:
  • Hulley S, Cummings S, Browner W, Kluwer W (2013) Designing Clinical Research. 4th ed., Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia. ISBN 978-1-4698-40536.
  • Greenhalgh T (1997) How to read a paper. The Basics of Evidence Based Medicine. BMJ Puhlishing Group, London. ISBN 0-7279-1578-9.
  • Richards D. Clarkson J, Matthews D, Niederman R (2008) Evidence-based Dentistry: Managing Information for Better Practice. Quintessencials Pub co. ISBN-13: 978-1-85097-126-9.
  • Bailey DM, Company DAV (1997) Research for the Health Professional – A practical Guide. Philadelphia. ISBN 0-8036-0151-4.
  • Estrela C (2005) Metodologia científica: ciência; ensino; pesquisa. 2ª ed., São Paulo, Artes Médicas. ISBN 85-7404-046-0.