
Study of Human Movement II2

Estudo do Movimento Humano II

Course code:9504118

Sérgio Manuel Mateus Silvestre de Campos Simões

Learning outcomes of the curricular unit:
  • Understand the theoretical foundations of stretching techniques.
  • Demonstrate the domain of manual skills of basic stretching techniques.
  • Knowing the anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system of the trunk, spine and spice-mandibular joint (TMJ).
  • Identify some anatomical structures of the trunk, spine and TMJ, by palpation.
  • Run correctly and safely the various types of mobilization techniques of passive and active spine and TMJ.
  • Make a physiological human gait analysis describing in terms of kinematic and kinetic different phases and sub-phases.
  • Correctly identify the changes in pathological gait.
  • Define posture and identify factors that influence.
    1. Theoretical principles of stretching.
    2. Methods and techniques of stretching.
    3. Structure, function, movement and biomechanics of the spine, pelvis and TMJ.
    4. Technical evaluation of Posture and identifying changes.
    5. Technical evaluation Gait and identification of alterations.
Suggested Bibliography:
      • Edmond SL (2007) Mobilização/Manipulação Articular. Técnicas para extremidades e coluna, 2nd ed., Loures, Lusodidacta
      • Field D (2001) Anatomia Palpatória, 2nd ed., São Paulo, Manole
      • Kapandji IA (2003) Fisiologia articular: Esquemas Comentados de Mecânica Humana, 5th ed., Vol. 3, São Paulo, Panamericana
      • Maitland G (2001) Maitland's Vertebral Manipulation, 6th ed., Londres, Butterworth-Heinemann Ltd.
      • Neumann DA (2006) Cinesiologia do aparelho musculoesquelético. Fundamentos para a reabilitação física, Rio de Janeiro, Guanabara Koogan