Applied Research in Physiotherapy III
Investigação Aplicada em Fisioterapia III
Course code:9504410
Ângela Maria Correia de Figueiredo Abreu Pereira
Learning outcomes of the curricular unit:
At end of the curricular unit students should be able to demonstrates kills and capabilities to:
- Apply the techniques of scientific research;
- Develop a critical stance towards the existing information;
- Integrate newsgroups theoretical and methodological issues and specific problems in the field of Physiotherapy;
- Recognize and use different methods and instruments for data collection;
- Use different methods of analysis and interpretation of data, qualitative and quantitative;
- Display, analyze and interpret data;
- Develop a scientific paper;
- Develop a work of research (monograph).
Critical analysis of literature.
Practical application of content developed in UC Research Methods and Research in Physiotherapy I and II, in order to implement the research project, as well as its method of collecting and analysing data.
Suggested Bibliography:
- American Psychological Association (2010) Publication manual of the American Psychological Association. 6th ed., Washington, DC: American Psychological Association
- Fortin MF (1999) O Processo de Investigação: Da concepção à realização. Loures: Lusociência Edidora
- Martins G (2000) Guia para elaboração de Monografias e Trabalhos de Conclusão de Curso. São Paulo: Atlas Editora
- Pestana M, Gageiro J (2003) Análise dos Dados para Ciências Sociais. A Complementaridade do SPSS. 3rd ed., Lisboa: Edições Silabo
- Eco H (1989) Como se faz uma tese. São Paulo: Perspectiva
- Jenkins S, Price CJ & Twomey L (1998) The Researching Therapist. A practical guide to performing and communicating research. London: Churchill livingstone.