Healthcare Management and Administration
Gestão e Administração em Saúde
Curse code:9504413
Luís Amaro
Learning outcomes of the curricular unit:
After attending this course, the student should be able to:
- Have knowledge allowing him to identify the genesis and evolution of European social policy framework.
- Have knowledge enabling hjm to describe the normative dimension of social policy: justice, equity and effectiveness.
- Explain the peculiarities of health economics and reflection on decision-making ability of the user of health services.
- Describe the basic functions of the administration of a Health Service.
- Outline the steps of the decision making.
- Acquire an integrated view of the value chain of healthcare organizations.
- Identify opportunities for innovation, efficiency and effectiveness in the performance of the various Internal Chains of an organization Health Level.
- SOCIAL POLICY AND WELFARE STATE - Genesis, evolution and crisis of the welfare state
The State. Sumerian concept and framework of its evolution. The types of the state. The modern state.
The welfare state, the welfare state. Concept and development.
The genesis of the welfare state: the social question, the model of compulsory social insurance Otto von Bismarck and the social constitution of the Weimar Republic.
Configuration and height of the welfare state: the Keynesian model. The Beveridge report and the development of social rights.
The crisis of the welfare state: the fiscal crisis and political-ideological crisis.
The " three worlds " of Esping - Anderson and its critics. - HEALTH ECONOMICS - Economics and Health Economics
Concept and object of economics and health economics.
The health and economic circuit.
Economic impact of the disease.
Specifics of the health care market.
Health Systems.
Organizational Concepts.
Concepts and tools of economic evaluation of health programs.
Strategy and Innovation. - LEAD - Concept of Leadership and the role of Leader
Transactional and Transformational Leadership.
Decision Making Process. - VALUE CHAIN - Value Chain Management and Operations Management in the Health Sector
Supply Chain Management.
Suggested Bibliography:
- Barros PP (2013) Economia da Saúde - Conceitos e Comportamentos, Coimbra, Almedina
- Esping-Andersen (2009) Três Lições sobre Estado-Providência, Lisboa, Campo da Comunicação
- Duarte C & Esperança JP (2012) Empreendedorismo e Planeamento Financeiro, Lisboa, Edições Silabo
- Macedo A & Reis A (2011) A saúde não tem preço mas tem custos, Lisboa, Edições Silabo
- Ribeiro A (2010) Teoria Geral da Estratégia, Coimbra, Almedina