Physiotherapy and Health Promotion
Fisioterapia e Promoção da Saúde
Curse code:9504403
Ana Cristina Martins Inácio Vidal
Learning outcomes of the curricular unit:
- Know the ergonomic principles
- Ergonomic principles in the workplace
- Know the practices relate to the ergonomic rules
- Understand the constraints from the perspective of professional and client
- Know how to implement rules and procedures on job
- List the standards of practice of physical therapy
- Define the concepts of Primary Health Care (PHC), the various types of preventions and identify institutions and elements carers
- Relate the various variables in question (behavioral, social, ergonomic, environmental, communication and others) in a model of health prevention
- Define the role of the physiotherapist in PHC
- Knowledge of legislation related to this issue
- Know the National Health Plan
- Develop an intervention project in PHC
- Identify and implement best practice in this clinical context
- Ergonomics: A historical resume
- Methodology : Ergonomic Analysis and Implementation
- Draw and Lay-out of the job and workplace
- Analysis of practical issues related to the function
- Identification of standard procedures considering ergonomic principles
- Special Population
- Standards of Practice in Physical Therapy
- Concept of Primary Health Care (PHC)
- Institutions and integral elements in providing PHC
- Prevention Primary, Secondary and Tertiary
- Legislation that regulates PHC
- Determinants of Accession, Model Law, the Health Belief Model, Transtheoretical Model of Behavior Change
- The Role of the Physiotherapist in PHC
- Understanding the development of PHC projects
Suggested Bibliography:
- McGill S (2016) Low Back Disorders: Evidence-Based. Prevention and Rehabilitation. 3rd ed. Cloth Pass/Kycd. ISBN-13: 9781450472913
- Dean E (2009) Physical Therapy in 21 st Century (Part I): Toward Practice informed by epidemiology and the crisis of lifestyle conditions. Physiotherapy Theory and Practice Journal, 25(5-6), pp. 330-353.
- Dean E (2009) Physical Therapy in 21 st Century (Part II): Evidence-based practice within the context of evidence – informed practice. Physiotherapy Theory and Practice Journal, 25 (5-6), pp. 354-368.
- Dul J, Weerdmeester B (2008) Ergonomics for Beginners. 3rd ed., CRC Press. ISBN 9781420077513
- Coelho L et al. (2001) Manual de Prevenção/IDICT