
Physiotherapy and Health Promotion2

Fisioterapia e Promoção da Saúde

Curse code:9504403

Ana Cristina Martins Inácio Vidal

Learning outcomes of the curricular unit:
  • Know the ergonomic principles
  • Ergonomic principles in the workplace
  • Know the practices relate to the ergonomic rules
  • Understand the constraints from the perspective of professional and client
  • Know how to implement rules and procedures on job
  • List the standards of practice of physical therapy
  • Define the concepts of Primary Health Care (PHC), the various types of preventions and identify institutions and elements carers
  • Relate the various variables in question (behavioral, social, ergonomic, environmental, communication and others) in a model of health prevention
  • Define the role of the physiotherapist in PHC
  • Knowledge of legislation related to this issue
  • Know the National Health Plan
  • Develop an intervention project in PHC
  • Identify and implement best practice in this clinical context


  1. Ergonomics: A historical resume
  2. Methodology : Ergonomic Analysis and Implementation
  3. Draw and Lay-out of the job and workplace
  4. Analysis of practical issues related to the function
  5. Identification of standard procedures considering ergonomic principles
  6. Special Population


  1. Standards of Practice in Physical Therapy
  2. Concept of Primary Health Care (PHC)
  3. Institutions and integral elements in providing PHC
  4. Prevention Primary, Secondary and Tertiary
  5. Legislation that regulates PHC
  6. Determinants of Accession, Model Law, the Health Belief Model, Transtheoretical Model of Behavior Change
  7. The Role of the Physiotherapist in PHC
  8. Understanding the development of PHC projects
Suggested Bibliography:
  • McGill S (2016) Low Back Disorders: Evidence-Based. Prevention and Rehabilitation. 3rd ed. Cloth Pass/Kycd. ISBN-13: 9781450472913
  • Dean E (2009) Physical Therapy in 21 st Century (Part I): Toward Practice informed by epidemiology and the crisis of lifestyle conditions. Physiotherapy Theory and Practice Journal, 25(5-6), pp. 330-353.
  • Dean E (2009) Physical Therapy in 21 st Century (Part II): Evidence-based practice within the context of evidence – informed practice. Physiotherapy Theory and Practice Journal, 25 (5-6), pp. 354-368.
  • Dul J, Weerdmeester B (2008) Ergonomics for Beginners. 3rd ed., CRC Press. ISBN 9781420077513
  • Coelho L et al. (2001) Manual de Prevenção/IDICT