
Cardiorespiratory Physiotherapy I2

Fisioterapia Cardiorespiratória I

Curse code:9504227

Ângela Maria Correia de Figueiredo Abreu Pereira

Learning outcomes of the curricular unit:

At the end of the course students should be able to:

  • Know and understand the intervention model of physical therapy in cardiorespiratory conditions, taking into account the principles of clinical reasoning.
  • Understand the biomechanics of the rib cage.
  • Understand the influence of ventilation on the different phases of breathing.
  • Know how to select and use the different evaluation procedures and instruments relevant to diagnosis in the field of physiotherapy in respiratory dysfunctions.
  • Know and understand the techniques of evaluation and of respiratory dysfunctions.
  • Identify the main changes of the chest and their implications in the respiratory dynamics.
  • Identify the sounds produced by the normal lung and in pathological situations and relate them to the intervention of Physiotherapy.
  • Identify, in chest radiography, the normal structures and some pathological alterations and relate them to the intervention of Physiotherapy.
  • Identify and analyse the main pulmonary parameters, volumes, capacities and resistances and relate them to underlying pathology.
  • Analyse the alterations of the acid-base balance and to relate them with existing pathology and with the intervention of Physiotherapy.
  • Know and understand the techniques of directed ventilation and thoracic expansion, their indications and contraindications.
  • Know how to perform the techniques of Respiratory Physiotherapy.
  • Know how to select pulmonary expansion techniques and adapt them to each specific clinical case.
  • Know how to select ventilatory according to the specific needs of the patient.
  1. Biomechanics of the chest.
  2. Semiology of the respiratory system and respiratory physiotherapy.
  3. Model of intervention in Respiratory Physiotherapy.
  4. Techniques of Respiratory Physiotherapy.
  5. Thoracic Expansion Manual.
  6. Discussion of clinical cases.
Suggested Bibliography:
  • Deturk W & Cahalin L (2010) Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Physical Therapy: An Evidence-Based Approach, 2nd ed, McGraw-Hill Medica
  • Frownfelter DL & Dean E (2014) Cardiovascular and Pulmonary physical therapy Evidence and Pratice, 5th ed., St Louis, Mosby-Elsevier
  • Pisco JM (2003) Imagiologia Básica - Texto e Atlas, Lisboa, Lidel
  • Wilkins RL, Stoller JK, Kacmarek RM (2009) Fundamentos da terapia respiratória de Egan. 9th ed. Rio de Janeiro: Elsevier.
  • Soares JL (2007) Semiologia Médica - Princípios, Métodos e Interpretação, Lisboa, Lidel