
Study of Human Movement I2

Estudo do Movimento Humano I

Course code:9504113

Filomena da Graça Esteves Rodrigues

Learning outcomes of the curricular unit:

After attending the course, the student should be able to:

  • Know the anatomy-physiology of the musculoskeletal system of the shoulder girdle, upper limb and lower limb;
  • Know how the joint structures participate in the movement;
  • Know how the joint structures limit movement;
  • Understand how the different joint and muscle components participate in the movement;
  • Identify anatomical structures of the shoulder girdle, upper limb and lower limb, by palpation;
  • Know the basic principles for the analysis of human movement;
  • Distinguish the various types of passive mobilization of the peripheral joints;
  • Perform correctly and safely the various types of techniques according to Maitland principles for accessory mobilization and passive physiological mobilization.
  1. Structure, function and movement of the shoulder girdle, upper limb and lower limb.
  2. Basic principles for analysis of movement, according to one axis system and plans.
Suggested Bibliography:
  • Edmond SL (2007) Mobilização/Manipulação Articular. Técnicas para extremidades e coluna. 2th ed. Loures: Lusodidacta.
  • Field D (2001) Anatomia Palpatória. 2th ed. São Paulo: Manole.
  • Hengeveld E (2005) Maitland's Peripheral Manipulation. Londres: Butterworth-Heinemann Ltd. 4th Edição
  • Kapandji IA (2003) Fisiologia articular: Esquemas Comentados de Mecânica Humana, Vol. I e II. 5th ed. São Paulo. Panamericana.
  • Neumann DA (2006). Cinesiologia do aparelho musculoesquelético. Fundamentos para a reabilitação física. Rio de Janeiro: Guanabara Koogan.