
Initiation to Scientific Research II1

Iniciação à Investigação Científica II

Course code:9494512

Maria Deolinda Ferreira dos Santos Auxtero

Learning outcomes of the curricular unit:

This optional subject aims to integrate students in ongoing research projects of the Instituto Universitário Egas Moniz (IUEM) or, in small projects specially developed for them to carry out. At the end, students must be able to:

  • Make a literature search
  • Perform specific tasks in the laboratory, according to the objectives of each project
  • Develop a critical mind to bear upon the results that they obtain
  • Make a written report
  • To prepare and orally present the results obtained
  1. Depending on the proposed project and published during the application period.
  2. The integration of students in Scientific Projects, where they are called to execute tasks and discuss results, ensure the fulfillment of the objectives defined for this subject.
Suggested Bibliography:
  • Bibliography depends upon the type of Project and is defined by the Project Supervisor.