
1Scientific Research Methodologies

Metodologia de Investigação Cientifica

Course code:9494334

Filipa da Palma Carlos Alves da Costa

Learning outcomes of the curricular unit:

The objective of the CU is to present a practical perspective for the development of a project proposal through its various phases. During the semester, students will gain contact with critical issues associated with planning of research and ethical aspects. By the end of the CU, students should be able to select, organize and critically analyse scientific literature and to be able to communicate their results in a scientific environment. In addition, students should be able to: identify the phases involved in planning and conducting a research project; formulate research questions and test hypotheses; define the study design, establish the sample type and determine the sample size; identify the most appropriate data collection methods; be able to extract valid results from the analysis undertaken; and present the results in an effective way to a scientific audience. The student should develop a research capacity that facilitates lifelong learning.


Fundamentals of research: from the formulation of a research problem and critical thinking leading to the selection of a study design, to the dissemination of results within the interested research community.

  1. Ethics in research
  2. Methods for knowledge acquisition
  3. Phases of a research project
  4. Selecting and formualting the research problem
  5. Literature review
  6. Critical analysis of the literature
  7. Research objectives: research questions and hypotheses
  8. Study designs
  9. Sampling methods
  10. Qualitative and quantitative research. Consensus techniques
  11. Methods of data collection and data analysis.
  12. From the research protocol to the study report and scientific production.
  13. Communication in the scientific context.
Suggested Bibliography:
  • Zaheer B (ed) (2020) Pharmacy Practice Research Methods. Springer, 2nd ed. ISBN 978-3-319-14672-0
  • Bowling A & Ebrahim S (eds) (2005) Handbook of Health Research Methods. Investigation, measurement and analysis. Open University Press. New York. ISBN 0-335-21460-6
  • Fortin MF (2003) O Processo de Investigação: da Concepção à Realização. 3rd ed. Editora Lusociência - edições Técnicas e Científicas, Lda. ISBN:972-8383-10-X
  • Fathalia MF (2004) A Practical Guide for Health Researchers. World Health Organization. Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean
  • Robson C (1993) Real World Research. Blackwell Publishers. Oxford