Organic Chemistry I
Quimica Orgânica I
Course code:9494115
Luísa Maria Lima Gonçalves
Learning outcomes of the curricular unit:
This unit contribute to the topics A, C, J, K, L of the Pharmaceutical Act, described in DL 288/2001. Its aim is to provide students with general knowledge of organic compounds.
After having completed this course, the student should be able to:
- Represent mono- and polyfunctional organic compounds using IUPAC name or structure.
- Characterize molecules according to the polarity. Compare organic molecules for physical constants such as melting and boiling points and solubility in water.
- Represent acyclic and cyclic organic molecules in stereochemistry projections. Interpret the potential energy / stability of the various conformations. Distinguish stereoisomers.
- Compare the strength of Lewis acids and bases.
- Characterize the main mechanisms of radical and ionic reaction.
- Recognize reactions of nucleophilic substitution and distinguish SN1 and SN2 reactions.
- Introduction to Organic Chemistry
- Nomenclature in Organic Chemistry
- Isomerism and stereoisomerism
- Electronic Effects: Inductive and mésoméric effects
- Organic acids and bases
- Reaction mechanisms
- Nucleophilic reactions: Nucleophilic substituition
Suggested Bibliography:
- Dewick PM (2006) Essentials of Organic Chemistry: For Students of Pharmacy, Medicinal Chemistry and Biological Chemistry. Wiley. ISBN: 978-0-470-01666-4.
- Timberlake KC (2014) An Introduction to General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry. 12th ed., , Prentice Hall ed. ISBN-13: 978-0321908445.
- Campos LS & Mourato M (2002) Nomenclatura dos Compostos Orgânicos. Escolar Editora, Lisboa. ISBN: 972-592-107-0.
- Solomons GT & Freyhle CB (2012) Química Orgânica. 9th ed., Ed. LTC. ISBN: 9788521620334.
- Morais ZB & Silva PC (2004) Exercícios de Estereoquímica em Química Orgânica. Ed. Sílabo, Lisboa. ISBN 972-618-335-9.