
1Health Policy and Pharmacoeconomics

Politicas de Saúde e Farmacoeconomia

Course code:9494529

Filipa da Palma Carlos Alves da Costa Azevedo e Silva

Learning outcomes of the curricular unit:

This CU aims at providing students with the necessary skills and competencies to be able to develop functions in the areas of public health, global health, regulatory affairs, pharmaceutical industry, both in national and in international organizations. Core competencies are grouped in two modules: Policy and Health Administration (PHA); Health Economics and Economic Evaluation (HEEE).


This CU is composed of 2 modules:

  1. PHA: focuses on the principles guiding the organisation of health care systems and health financing; accessibility and equity; and how policy measures impact on these principles. The role of the citizen and public participation. Drug policy and healthcare priorities for health interventions and medicines financing.
  2. HEEE: Explores drug policy, drug cycle, access to innovation and drug use, with a particular focus on health technology assessment (HTA). Explores economic evaluation methods, used in HTA, including medicines, medical devices, preventive medicine and professional interventions. Discusses the role of advocacy and various organizations. Introduces the big challenges in international health and the relationships between health and political, social and economic development. Topics include global health systems and health determinants; challenges of access to medicines and quality assurance in a global context.
Suggested Bibliography:
  • Drummond MF, Sculpher MJ, Claxton K, Stoddart GL, Torrance GW (2015) Methods for the Economic Evaluation of Health Care Programmes. 4th ed., Oxford:Oxford University Press.
  • Leppo K, Ollila E, Peña S, Wismar M. Cook S (2013) Health in All Policies: Seizing opportunities, implementing policies. Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, Finland.
  • OECD (2017) Health at a Glance 2017: OECD Indicators, OECD Publishing, Paris.
  • WHO (2015). Access to new medicines in Europe: technical review of policy initiatives and opportunities for collaboration and research. WHO Regional Office for Europe.
  • Babar Z (2018) Equitable Access to High-Cost Pharmaceuticals. 1st Edition. Elsevier. ISBN: 9780128119457