Dermopharmacy and Cosmetics
Dermofarmácia e Cosmética
Course code:9494225
Maria Deolinda Ferreira dos Santos Auxtero
Learning outcomes of the curricular unit:
- To provide knowledge on topical preparations that exert therapeutic effects (industrially manufactured medicines and individualized preparation), or simply used in hygiene, protection, and correction (Cosmetics) of the skin tissue and appendages.
- Approach circuit | cycle of this type of products, from manufacturing to marketing (applicable regulation).
- Approach to the intervention of the pharmacist to advice and dispensing of cosmetic products.
- Consolidate knowledge (within the cosmetics) in areas where the pharmacist can act, either in industry (manufacturing, control, regulation and marketing), either in community pharmacy (preparation and advice).
- Skin and appendages: Structure and function.
- Percutaneous absorption.
- Skin type. Characterization (i) Normal skin, dry and fat, (ii) skin young and senile (iii) Phototype. Assessment methodologies (egtransepidermal water loss (TEWL), skin water content, biomechanical properties, degree of erythema).
- Relevant legislation regarding cosmetics.
- Cycle of cosmetics. Manufacturing (raw materials, method of preparation), classification, quality control, technical documentation, notification to the competent authorities and market access.
- Functional classification of cosmetics.
- Skin types. Changes in skin condition: dermatoses, eczema, acne, psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, cellulitis, grooves (not limited to). Cosmetics and products related pharmaceutical advice.
- Changes of skin appendages: nails, glands (eg excessive sweating) and hair (eg, alopecia, dandruff). Cosmetics and products and associated pharmaceutical advice.
- Oral cosmetics.
- Vigilance of cosmetics.
Suggested Bibliography:
- Pons-Gimier L & Parra-Juez JL (1995) Ciencia Cosmética- Bases Fisilógicas y critèriosPrácticos. Ed. Cons. Gen: ColegiosOficiales de Farmaceuticos, Madrid. ISBN: 9788487276224.
- Barata AF (2018) Cosméticos - A cosmética, inovações e enquadramento legal, 2ª ed. Lidel. Edições Técnicas. ISBN: 9789897522499.
- Parra JJL & Gimier L (1995) Ciencia Cosmética: Bases Fisiológicas y Criterios Práticos. Spain, Consejo General de Colegios Oficiales de Farmacêuticos (Ed). ISBN: 8487276229.