Clinical Nursing VI: Psychiatric and Mental Health
Enfermagem Clinica VI: Saúde Mental e Psiquiátrica
Course code:9500411
Aida de Jesus Correia Simões
Learning outcomes of the curricular unit:
Main goal:
- To develop in the student the competences inherent to the nursing diagnosis, care planning, execution and evaluation of the same to the person / family with mental pathology throughout the life cycle.
Specific objectives:
- To promote the applicability of theoretical knowledge to professional practice, through activities developed in the scope of nursing interventions to the person with mental pathology, in the different levels of health care, through the adoption of strategies that articulate knowledge with knowledge, the knowing / being and the knowing / doing.
- Assumes in its practice ethical and legal commitments of the profession.
- Interactive in multidisciplinary / multidisciplinary care context with people affected by mental pathology.
- Recognizes the problems and needs of the general mental health and nursing care in particular, the person with mental pathology.
- Establishes a therapeutic relationship with the person with mental illness and their relatives.
- Participates in the diagnostic and therapeutic achievements offered by health care services for people with mental disorders.
- Demonstrates ability to take responsibility for their learning.
- Identifies and recognizes the importance of developing their relational and communicational skills.
- It reflects with a critical sense the contribution that the lived experiences represent for their personal and professional development.
Internship | Tutorials:
Supervision and monitoring of academic work.
Suggested Bibliography:
- Amaral AC (2010). Prescrições de Enfermagem em Saúde Mental. 1st Ed. ISBN: 978-972-8930-55-4.
- Conners CK (2009). Transtorno de déficit de atenção/hiperatividade: as mais recentes estratégias de avaliação e tratamento. 3rd Ed. Porto Alegre: Artmed.
- Kaplan H, Sadock B (1990). Compêndio de Psiquiatria. 2nd ed. Porto Alegre: Artes Médicas, 750 p.
- Mackinnon R, Michels R, Buckley P (2008). A entrevista psiquiátrica na prática clínica. 2nd ed. Porto Alegre: Artes Médicas, 544 p. ISBN: 9788536310442.
- Marcolan JF, Ribeiro C, Rosiani CB (2013). Enfermagem em Saúde Mental e Psiquiátrica. 1st ed. Rio de Janeiro: Elsevier. ISBN: 978-85-352-6941-3.
- Townsend MC (2011). Enfermagem em Saúde Mental e Psiquiátrica: conceitos de cuidado na prática baseada na evidência. 6th Ed. Loures: Lusociência. 960 p. ISBN 978-972-8930-61-5.