
Clinical Nursing IV: Child and Pediatric Health2

Enfermagem Clínica IV: Saúde Infantil e Pediátrica

Course code:9500317

Fernanda Manuela Loureiro

Learning outcomes of the curricular unit:


  • To promote the applicability of theoretical knowledge to professional practice, through activities developed in the scope of nursing interventions to the pediatric user, at the different levels of health care, through the adoption of pedagogical strategies that articulate knowledge and know-how.


  • Learns how to coexist and cooperate within the health team in child / youth care.
  • Learns to respect the ethical and humanistic dimensions inherent in the practice of the profession by developing attitudes and values oriented towards citizenship and solidarity.
  • Acts in a humane manner respecting the bioethical principles of autonomy, beneficence and non-malfeasance in providing nursing care.
  • Reflects on the social reality and seek the transformation of it, through educational actions and research, aiming at the production of new knowledge.
  • Acquires skills and abilities to provide nursing care to the pediatric patient, who is ill, and at different levels of complexity, taking into account the resources.
  • Promotes the interconnection / continuity of the pediatric user with the community resources.


The program contents integrate those taught in pediatric nursing. They will be further developed according to the specific and opportunities offered in the internship and it includes:

  • Pediatric Nursing: evolution of the concept of healthy and sick child, humanization of care, Anne Casey Partnership model, child and family centered care, nurse competencies in Child Health and Pediatrics and legal considerations.
  • A healthy child/adolescent: growth and development, child nutrition and accident prevention.
  • Health-promoting strategies in pediatrics.
  • Management of pediatric pain: pharmacological and non-pharmacological techniques.
  • Child abuse and sexual abuse.
  • Neonatal Unit, history and physical examination of the newborn.
  • Transmission of bad news and Death in pediatrics.
  • Preparation of pediatric surgery for user.
  • Gastrointestinal, endocrine and metabolic, neurological, cardiovascular, respiratory, genital and urinary and skin diseases.
  • Emergency Emergencies and cardiopulmonary resuscitation maneuvers.
Suggested Bibliography:
  • Anjos R (2004) Formulário de Pediatria. 3rd ed. Lisboa, Esteve.
  • Behrman R, Kliegman R. & Jenson H (2009) Nelson Tratado de Pediatria. 18th ed. Rio de Janeiro, Guanabara Koogan.
  • Hockenberry M (2011) Wong Fundamentos de Enfermagem Pediátrica. 8th ed. Rio de Janeiro, Elsevier.
  • Palminha J (2003) Orientação e diagnóstico em Pediatria (Vol. 1 e 2), Lisboa, Lidel.
  • Tamez R & Silva M (2009) Enfermagem na UTI Neonatal: assistência ao recém-nascido de alto risco. 4th ed. Rio de Janeiro, Nova Guanabara.