
Clinical Nursing III: Maternal and Obstetric Health2

Enfermagem Clínica III: Saúde Materna e Obstétrica

Course code:9500316

Aida Maria Da Silva Abreu Serra

Learning outcomes of the curricular unit:


  • To develop skills for the care of the woman in the Pre-Conception, Conception, Birth and Puerperium stages.
  • To plan the nursing support in the maintenance and health education for the pregnant woman / fetus / family.


  • Knows the scientific, ethical and legal aspects related to the human reproduction.
  • Defines, in collaboration, the nursing diagnoses using the ICNP and NANDA taxonomy.
  • Formulates, in collaboration, a care plan involving the pregnant woman/puerpera/newborn and/or family.
  • Stimulates the early relationship mother/child/father.
  • Applies a critical and reflexive thought in the practice.
  • Analyzes the evolution of the obtained data in order to evaluate the expected results.
  • Utilizes the evaluation data in order to alter the nursing care plan.
  • Communicates, with consistency, the relevant information, correct and intelligible in oral and written form.
  • Develops scientific knowledge, in the nursing scope, prizing the investigation.

Internship | Tutorials:

The programmatic contents are inherent to the care process to the woman in the stages of Preconception, Conception, Birth and Puerperium, inserted in the obstetric and maternal health nursing, in the community context and hospital.
The contents were lectured in the semester which precedes the clinical nursing, thus allowing the student to mobilize knowledge in a learning continuum.
The tutorial orientation shall take place in the student’s commutes to the ESSEM, for reflection and sharing moments of care processes experienced by the students.
Suggested Bibliography:
  • Campos DA, Santos Silva I & Costa FJ (2011). Emergências Obstétricas. Lisboa: Lidel.
  • Nelson K, Jaffe MS, Kenner C & Amlung S (2002). Enfermagem Materno-Infantil: planos de cuidados. 3rd ed. Rio de Janeiro: Reichmann & Affonso Editores.
  • Hoffman B, Schaffer J & Schorge J (2014). Ginecologia de Williams. 2nd ed. Brasil: Artmed.
  • Mannel R, Martens P & Walker M (2011). Manual prático para consultores de lactação. Loures: Lusociência.
  • Néne M, Marques R & Amado Batista M (Eds) (2016). Enfermagem de Saúde Materna e Obstétrica. Lisboa: Lidel.