Clinical Nursing II: Adult and Geriatric in Medical and Surgical Context
Enfermagem Clínica II: Adulto e Idoso em Contexto Médico e Cirúrgico
Course code:9500215
Ana Vanessa Antunes
Learning outcomes of the curricular unit:
- To develop competencies to care for the adult and the elderly in the nursing field in medical and surgical situations, in a hospital context and integrated care units.
- Assumes in its practice ethical and legal commitments of the profession.
- Apply the most appropriate knowledge and techniques in nursing practice.
- Apply the nursing process, adopting the theoretical model of Virginia Henderson, according to NANDA, and according to the CIPE.
- Gathers data on the patient and family and identifies relevant foci for nursing.
- Define nursing diagnoses in collaboration using the NANDA and CIPE taxonomy.
- Collaborate a plan of care involving the patient and / or family.
- Establishes priorities for care in collaboration with the patient and / or family.
- Document the implementation of interventions.
- Provides nursing care, with supervision, in a therapeutic environment.
- Organize your work effectively managing time.
- Apply critical and reflective thinking in your practice.
- Analyzes the evolution of the data obtained in order to evaluate the expected results.
- Use evaluation data to change the nursing care plan.
- Ensures continuity of care.
- Consistently communicates relevant, correct and understandable oral and written information.
- Develops scientific knowledge in the field of nursing, valuing research as a contribution to the improvement of standards of care.
- Promotes and maintains professional image.
The programmatic contents are inherent to the process of Adult and Elderly care inserted into the family within the scope of nursing in medical and surgical situations, in hospital context and integrated units of continuous care. These contents taught in the three semesters that preceded clinical nursing, thus allowing the student to mobilize knowledge in a continuous learning process.
Tutorial guidance will be on the student's trips to ESSEM for moments of reflection and sharing of care processes experienced by students.
Tutorial guidance will be on the student's trips to ESSEM for moments of reflection and sharing of care processes experienced by students.
Suggested Bibliography:
- Benner P, Standard D, Hooper-Kyriakidis P (2011). Clinical Wisdom and Interventions in Acute and Critical Care: A Thinking-in-Action Approach (2 ed.). New York: Springer Publishing Company.
- Bulechek M, Butcher K, Dochterman M (2010). Classificação das intervenções de enfermagem (NIC). Rio de Janeiro: Elsevier.
- Conselho Internacional de Enfermeiros; Ordem dos Enfermeiros (2016). CIPE® versão 2015. Loures: Lusodidacta.
- Castro H (2011). CIPE Versão 2 – Classificação internacional para a prática de enfermagem. Edição Portuguesa: Ordem dos enfermeiros.
- Chalifour J (2008). A Intervenção Terapêutica: os fundamentos existencial-humanistas da relação de ajuda (volume 1). Loures: Lusodidacta.
- Direção Geral da Saúde. (2010). Acidente vascular cerebral -Itinerários Clínicos. Lisboa: Lidel edições técnicas Lda.
- Herdman TH & Kamitsuru S (2018). Diagnósticos de enfermagem da NANDA-I: definições e classificação 2018-2020. Porto Alegre: Artmed.
- Marques-Vieira CMA & Sousa LMM (2017). Cuidados de Enfermagem de Reabilitação à pessoa ao longo da vida. Loures: Lusodidacta
- Monahan D (2010). Enfermagem médico-cirúrgica: perspectivas de saúde e doença. 8th ed. Loures: Lusodidacta.