
Nursing the Adult and Elderly2

Enfermagem ao Adulto e Idoso

Course code:9500212

Cidália Maria da Cruz Silva Patacas de Castro

Learning outcomes of the curricular unit:


  • To develop competencies for the provision of nursing care for adults and the elderly in acute and chronic health and disease processes in the various systems of the body.
  • Analyze the data for the diagnostic evaluation and respective nursing interventions.
  • Analyze the impact of the disease (acute or chronic) and hospitalization on the individual, family and community.
  • Know the concepts of Continuity of Care, Long Term Care and Palliative Care.
  • Understand the values and principles of palliative care.
  • Understand the process of normal mourning and distinguish anticipatory mourning and complicated mourning.
  • Perform different nursing procedures and techniques in the laboratory.
  1. Aging process.
  2. The process of health / disease transition in the adult and elderly.
  3. The adult and elderly with endocrine and metabolic disease.
  4. The adult and elderly with respiratory disease.
  5. The adult and elderly with cardiovascular disease.
  6. Adult and elderly with gastrointestinal disease.
  7. Adult and elderly with renal disease.
  8. The adult and elderly with blood diseases.
  9. The adult and elderly with immune disease.
  10. The adult and elderly with neurological disease.
  11. The adult and elderly with ortho-trauma disease.
  12. The adult and elderly with cancer disease.
  13. The adult and elderly with pain.
  14. The adult and elderly with acute and chronic wound.
  15. The adult and elderly in need of surgical interventions.
  16. The adult and elderly in need of integrated continuous care.
  17. The adult and the elderly at the end of life.
Suggested Bibliography:
  • Barros A (2013). Diagnósticos de Enfermagem da NANDA. Porto Alegre: Artmed.
  • Branco J, Baptista T (2012). A dor e as suas circunstâncias. LIDEL.
  • Capelas ML, Coelho S, Silva S, Ferreira C (2017). Cuidar a pessoa que sofre: uma teoria de cuidados paliativos. UCP.
  • Colégio de Cuidados de Enfermagem (2000). Desafios da Enfermagem em Cuidados Paliativos. Lusociência.
  • Fernandes M et al (2013). Cuidados de Enfermagem à pessoa idosa: da investigação à prática. Lusociência.
  • Foucault C, Foucault S. (2012). A arte de tratar em Cuidados Paliativos. Instituto Piaget.
  • Germano A et al (2003). Código Deontológico do enfermeiro: anotações e comentários. Lisboa: Ordem dos Enfermeiros.
  • Howard P, Eteinmann R (2011). Enfermagem de Urgência. 6th Ed. Loures: Lusociência.
  • Martins T et al (2016). A Pessoa dependente e o familiar cuidador. Novas Edições Académicas. 9789892071350.
  • Menoita E (2015). Gestão de Feridas Complexas. Lusodidata. 9789898075482.
  • Ordem dos Enfermeiros - Conselho de enfermagem (2007). Guia Orientador de Boa Prática. Edição: Ordem dos Enfermeiros. ISBN 9789729964695.