
Ethics and Deontology2

Ética e Deontologia

Course code:9500122

Maria Helena Ferreira Almeida

Learning outcomes of the curricular unit:


  • Acquire the ethical competences necessary for the professional practice of the general care nurse, based on: the formation of an ethical conscience in the practice of nursing care according to criteria that respect the rights and dignity of the whole Human Person.
  • To know the aspects of the legislation and the norms of the Deontological Code of Nursing in the clinical decision making.


  • It mobilizes the various ethical and deontological concepts studied, including their articulation in nursing care.
  • Understand the meaning of professional secrecy, free and informed consent, conscientious objection, relating these aspects to situations of nursing practice.
  • Knows and discusses the various articles of the Nurses' Code of Ethics, realizing its meaning and importance for clinical practice.
  • Develops a critical attitude about hypothetical situations of nursing care, integrating the contents taught.
  • Reflects in an appropriate way the situations of vulnerability in the practice of care, causing ethical dilemmas, resulting from scientific and technological development.
  • Identifies ethical and legal principles in the analysis of issues related to end-of-life care, recognizing the importance of personal values, professional codes and patient decisions.
  1. Moral, ethics and deontology.
  2. Ethical dilemmas.
  3. Bioethics.
  4. Autonomy.
  5. Nurse-patient relationship family.
  6. Free and clear consent.
  7. Right to information.
  8. Privacy and ethics standards.
  9. Code of ethics of nursing.
  10. The questions of bioethics of current.
Suggested Bibliography:
  • Lei n.º 156/2015 de 16 de setembro. Diário da República, 1.ª série, N.º 181/2015. Assembleia da República. Lisboa, Portugal.
  • Neves M & Pacheco S (2004). Para Uma Ética da Enfermagem. Coimbra: Gráfica de Coimbra.
  • Nunes L (2011). Ética de enfermagem - Fundamentos e Horizontes. Lisboa: Lusodidacta.
  • Ordem dos Enfermeiros (2005). Código Deontológico do Enfermeiro: dos comentários à análise de casos. Lisboa: Ordem dos Enfermeiros.
  • Ordem dos Enfermeiros (2015). Deontologia Profissional de Enfermagem. Lisboa.
  • Thompson I, Melia K, Boyd K (2004). Ética Em Enfermagem. Cascais: Lusociência.