Ethics and Deontology
Ética e Deontologia
Course code:9500122
Maria Helena Ferreira Almeida
Learning outcomes of the curricular unit:
- Acquire the ethical competences necessary for the professional practice of the general care nurse, based on: the formation of an ethical conscience in the practice of nursing care according to criteria that respect the rights and dignity of the whole Human Person.
- To know the aspects of the legislation and the norms of the Deontological Code of Nursing in the clinical decision making.
- It mobilizes the various ethical and deontological concepts studied, including their articulation in nursing care.
- Understand the meaning of professional secrecy, free and informed consent, conscientious objection, relating these aspects to situations of nursing practice.
- Knows and discusses the various articles of the Nurses' Code of Ethics, realizing its meaning and importance for clinical practice.
- Develops a critical attitude about hypothetical situations of nursing care, integrating the contents taught.
- Reflects in an appropriate way the situations of vulnerability in the practice of care, causing ethical dilemmas, resulting from scientific and technological development.
- Identifies ethical and legal principles in the analysis of issues related to end-of-life care, recognizing the importance of personal values, professional codes and patient decisions.
- Moral, ethics and deontology.
- Ethical dilemmas.
- Bioethics.
- Autonomy.
- Nurse-patient relationship family.
- Free and clear consent.
- Right to information.
- Privacy and ethics standards.
- Code of ethics of nursing.
- The questions of bioethics of current.
Suggested Bibliography:
- Lei n.º 156/2015 de 16 de setembro. Diário da República, 1.ª série, N.º 181/2015. Assembleia da República. Lisboa, Portugal.
- Neves M & Pacheco S (2004). Para Uma Ética da Enfermagem. Coimbra: Gráfica de Coimbra.
- Nunes L (2011). Ética de enfermagem - Fundamentos e Horizontes. Lisboa: Lusodidacta.
- Ordem dos Enfermeiros (2005). Código Deontológico do Enfermeiro: dos comentários à análise de casos. Lisboa: Ordem dos Enfermeiros.
- Ordem dos Enfermeiros (2015). Deontologia Profissional de Enfermagem. Lisboa.
- Thompson I, Melia K, Boyd K (2004). Ética Em Enfermagem. Cascais: Lusociência.