
Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing2

Enfermagem de Saúde Mental e Psiquiátrica

Course code:9500402

Aida de Jesus Correia Simões

Learning outcomes of the curricular unit:

This course unit has as general objective to develop in the student the competences inherent to the nursing diagnosis, care planning, execution and evaluation of the same to the person / family with mental pathology throughout the life cycle.


  • Understand the binomial Health / Mental Illness and develop relational skills, which allow you to care for the person with Mental Health problems through the Autonomous Nursing Interventions.
  • Acquire the necessary knowledge that enables the identification of the psychopathological picture of the person with mental illness.
  • To know the most common nursing interventions in psychiatry.
  • Acquire knowledge that allows them to initiate, develop and suspend therapeutic relationships with the person and / or caregivers, through the use of appropriate communication and information, promoting their empowerment and autonomy. Use the available information resources in an effective and appropriate way with the person / customer, peers and multidisciplinary team.
  • Act according to the principles of safety, promoting a safe care environment, using communication and the therapeutic relationship.


  • Identifies the symptomatology and uses the information in the assessment of the person with mental illness
  • Applies the theoretical co-active model to evaluate the person with psychiatric alterations
  • Demonstrates knowledge about the Health / Mental Illness binomial and demonstrates relational and communicational skills that allow him to care for the person with Mental Health problems through the Autonomous Nursing Interventions
  • Identifies the objectives of intervention of the nurse in this area of specialty
  • Provides a therapeutic environment inherent in providing care in this area of expertise
  • Reflects on the relevant modalities in the process of rehabilitation of the person / family with mental illness
  • Identifies the specific needs of the person with mental illness, taking into account sociocultural and family contexts
  • Plans and develops interventions in the area of mental and psychiatric health, individually or integrating multidisciplinary / multidisciplinary teams
  • Leads the learning teaching processes inherent in the various areas of therapeutic intervention
  • Promotes the socio-family reintegration of the patient, valuing their experiences and knowledge, in the sense of autonomy in making decisions about their person
  • Contextualizes the intervention model in mental and psychiatric health nursing, through critical reflection on the scientific production and interventions developed in this area
  1. Contextualization of the health / illness process inherent in mental illness throughout the life cycle.
  2. Psychiatric semiology.
  3. Major psychiatric disorders throughout the life cycle.
  4. Classification Systems in Psychiatry.
  5. Mental health legislation in Portugal.
  6. Therapeutic interventions in Nursing.
Suggested Bibliography:
  • Amaral AC (2010) Prescrições de Enfermagem em Saúde Mental, 1st ed. ISBN: 978-972-8930-55-4.
  • Conners CK (2009) Transtorno de déficit de atenção/hiperatividade: as mais recentes estratégias de avaliação e tratamento, 3rd ed., Porto Alegre: Artmed.
  • Kaplan H & Sadock B (1990) Compêndio de Psiquiatria, 2nd ed., Porto Alegre: Artes Médicas.
  • Mackinnon R, Michels R, Buckley P (2008) A entrevista psiquiátrica na prática clínica, 2nd ed., Porto Alegre: Artes Médicas. ISBN: 9788536310442.
  • Marcolan JF, Ribeiro C, Rosiani CB (2013) Enfermagem em Saúde Mental e Psiquiátrica, 1st ed., Rio de Janeiro: Elsevier. ISBN: 978-85-352-6941-3.
  • Townsend MC (2011). Enfermagem em Saúde Mental e Psiquiátrica: conceitos de cuidado na prática baseada na evidência. 6ª Ed. Loures: Lusociência. 960 p. ISBN 978-972-8930-61-5.