Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing
Enfermagem de Saúde Mental e Psiquiátrica
Course code:9500402
Aida de Jesus Correia Simões
Learning outcomes of the curricular unit:
This course unit has as general objective to develop in the student the competences inherent to the nursing diagnosis, care planning, execution and evaluation of the same to the person / family with mental pathology throughout the life cycle.
- Understand the binomial Health / Mental Illness and develop relational skills, which allow you to care for the person with Mental Health problems through the Autonomous Nursing Interventions.
- Acquire the necessary knowledge that enables the identification of the psychopathological picture of the person with mental illness.
- To know the most common nursing interventions in psychiatry.
- Acquire knowledge that allows them to initiate, develop and suspend therapeutic relationships with the person and / or caregivers, through the use of appropriate communication and information, promoting their empowerment and autonomy. Use the available information resources in an effective and appropriate way with the person / customer, peers and multidisciplinary team.
- Act according to the principles of safety, promoting a safe care environment, using communication and the therapeutic relationship.
- Identifies the symptomatology and uses the information in the assessment of the person with mental illness
- Applies the theoretical co-active model to evaluate the person with psychiatric alterations
- Demonstrates knowledge about the Health / Mental Illness binomial and demonstrates relational and communicational skills that allow him to care for the person with Mental Health problems through the Autonomous Nursing Interventions
- Identifies the objectives of intervention of the nurse in this area of specialty
- Provides a therapeutic environment inherent in providing care in this area of expertise
- Reflects on the relevant modalities in the process of rehabilitation of the person / family with mental illness
- Identifies the specific needs of the person with mental illness, taking into account sociocultural and family contexts
- Plans and develops interventions in the area of mental and psychiatric health, individually or integrating multidisciplinary / multidisciplinary teams
- Leads the learning teaching processes inherent in the various areas of therapeutic intervention
- Promotes the socio-family reintegration of the patient, valuing their experiences and knowledge, in the sense of autonomy in making decisions about their person
- Contextualizes the intervention model in mental and psychiatric health nursing, through critical reflection on the scientific production and interventions developed in this area
- Contextualization of the health / illness process inherent in mental illness throughout the life cycle.
- Psychiatric semiology.
- Major psychiatric disorders throughout the life cycle.
- Classification Systems in Psychiatry.
- Mental health legislation in Portugal.
- Therapeutic interventions in Nursing.
Suggested Bibliography:
- Amaral AC (2010) Prescrições de Enfermagem em Saúde Mental, 1st ed. ISBN: 978-972-8930-55-4.
- Conners CK (2009) Transtorno de déficit de atenção/hiperatividade: as mais recentes estratégias de avaliação e tratamento, 3rd ed., Porto Alegre: Artmed.
- Kaplan H & Sadock B (1990) Compêndio de Psiquiatria, 2nd ed., Porto Alegre: Artes Médicas.
- Mackinnon R, Michels R, Buckley P (2008) A entrevista psiquiátrica na prática clínica, 2nd ed., Porto Alegre: Artes Médicas. ISBN: 9788536310442.
- Marcolan JF, Ribeiro C, Rosiani CB (2013) Enfermagem em Saúde Mental e Psiquiátrica, 1st ed., Rio de Janeiro: Elsevier. ISBN: 978-85-352-6941-3.
- Townsend MC (2011). Enfermagem em Saúde Mental e Psiquiátrica: conceitos de cuidado na prática baseada na evidência. 6ª Ed. Loures: Lusociência. 960 p. ISBN 978-972-8930-61-5.