Research Methodologies
Metodologias de Investigação
Course code:9500303
Cidália Maria da Cruz Silva Patacas de Castro
Learning outcomes of the curricular unit:
- Understand the contributions of research in the development of nursing knowledge, while supporting and improving quality of care
- Develop skills to analyze results of nursing research and other areas
- Recognize Statistics as a scientific area of its own with links to other sciences and as an important area of knowledge in Society and Modern Science
- Identifies the evolution of nursing research
- Knows the ethical principles inherent to nursing research
- Knows the various sources of research knowledge
- Identifies the stages of science development
- Understands the philosophical foundations of research and scientific research methods
- Identifies relevant nursing research topics
- Defines the components of a research question
- Develops appropriate objectives for a research project
- Formulates hypotheses for nursing research
- Understands the concepts of population, sample, parameter, estimator and skewness
- Identiies the sample to be studied, applying the most used sample distributions in Statistical Inference
- Characterizes variables
- Identifies quantitative and qualitative data collection tools
- Knows how to choose the appropriate methodology for specific situations
- Demonstrates knowledge that allows planning the development of a research project
- Understands the statistical terminology commonly used in scientific articles
- Knows the limitations of the statistical analysis performed
- Distinguishes Descriptive Statistics from Statistical Inference
- Applies basic techniques of Descriptive Statistics
- Applies Events Algebra
- Apprehends the importance of Probability Theory at the level of Statistical Inference
- Identifies random experiences
- Distinguishes Parametric Tests from Non-Parametric
- Applies Parametric and Non-Parametric Tests to one, two or more samples
- Exploratory Data Analysis
- Confidence intervals for average, proportions and variance
- Data and its analysis using parametric and non-parametric tests
- Statistical Inference Notions
- Stages of a research project
Theoretical-Practical Classes
- Standards Development Project
- Exercises on the formulation of the problem, the initial question
- Exercises on Research Objectives
- Exercises on the types of study
- Exercises on sampling and hypotheses
- Techniques for development of data collection instruments
- Techniques to develop tools for collecting data and drafting of informed consent
Suggested Bibliography:
- Fortin MF (2002) O processo de Investigação: da concepção à realização, Loures: Lusociência
- Polit D & Hungler B (1995) Fundamentos de Pesquisa em Enfermagem, Porto Alegre: Artes Médicas
- Quivy R & Campenhoudt L (1998) Manual de Investigação em Ciências Sociais, Lisboa: Grávida
- Streubert H & Carpenter D (2002) Investigação Qualitativa em Enfermagem, Loures: Lusociência
- Vilelas J (2009) Investigação. O processo de construção do conhecimento, Lisboa: edições Sílabo