
Research Methodologies2

Metodologias de Investigação

Course code:9500303

Cidália Maria da Cruz Silva Patacas de Castro

Learning outcomes of the curricular unit:


  • Understand the contributions of research in the development of nursing knowledge, while supporting and improving quality of care
  • Develop skills to analyze results of nursing research and other areas
  • Recognize Statistics as a scientific area of its own with links to other sciences and as an important area of knowledge in Society and Modern Science


  • Identifies the evolution of nursing research
  • Knows the ethical principles inherent to nursing research
  • Knows the various sources of research knowledge
  • Identifies the stages of science development
  • Understands the philosophical foundations of research and scientific research methods
  • Identifies relevant nursing research topics
  • Defines the components of a research question
  • Develops appropriate objectives for a research project
  • Formulates hypotheses for nursing research
  • Understands the concepts of population, sample, parameter, estimator and skewness
  • Identiies the sample to be studied, applying the most used sample distributions in Statistical Inference
  • Characterizes variables
  • Identifies quantitative and qualitative data collection tools
  • Knows how to choose the appropriate methodology for specific situations
  • Demonstrates knowledge that allows planning the development of a research project
  • Understands the statistical terminology commonly used in scientific articles
  • Knows the limitations of the statistical analysis performed
  • Distinguishes Descriptive Statistics from Statistical Inference
  • Applies basic techniques of Descriptive Statistics
  • Applies Events Algebra
  • Apprehends the importance of Probability Theory at the level of Statistical Inference
  • Identifies random experiences
  • Distinguishes Parametric Tests from Non-Parametric
  • Applies Parametric and Non-Parametric Tests to one, two or more samples


  1. Exploratory Data Analysis
  2. Confidence intervals for average, proportions and variance
  3. Data and its analysis using parametric and non-parametric tests
  4. Statistical Inference Notions
  5. Stages of a research project

Theoretical-Practical Classes

  1. Standards Development Project
  2. Exercises on the formulation of the problem, the initial question
  3. Exercises on Research Objectives
  4. Exercises on the types of study
  5. Exercises on sampling and hypotheses
  6. Techniques for development of data collection instruments
  7. Techniques to develop tools for collecting data and drafting of informed consent
Suggested Bibliography:
  • Fortin MF (2002) O processo de Investigação: da concepção à realização, Loures: Lusociência
  • Polit D & Hungler B (1995) Fundamentos de Pesquisa em Enfermagem, Porto Alegre: Artes Médicas
  • Quivy R & Campenhoudt L (1998) Manual de Investigação em Ciências Sociais, Lisboa: Grávida
  • Streubert H & Carpenter D (2002) Investigação Qualitativa em Enfermagem, Loures: Lusociência
  • Vilelas J (2009) Investigação. O processo de construção do conhecimento, Lisboa: edições Sílabo