
Maternal Health and Obstetric Nursing2

Enfermagem de Saúde Materna e Obstétrica

Course code:9500301

Aida Maria de Sailva Abreu Serra

Learning outcomes of the curricular unit:


  • To acquire knowledge on nursing interventions in the stages of Preconception/Conception/ Birth/Puerperium.
  • To plan the nursing assistance in the maintenance and health education for the pregnant woman/fetus/family.
  • To develop specific abilities in the care for the woman and the newborn.


  • Knows and shows comprehension ability on the biological cycle of the woman (pregnant-puerperal).
  • Understands the notion of sexuality, sexual education and the factors that influence it at the level of the individual and society.
  • Knows the main changes in the reproductive system and the woman's breast.
  • Applies knowledge and understands the health process and its deviation in the pregnancy-puerperal cycle.
  • Understands the process of pregnancy and delivery and the necessary interventions for health promotion and disease prevention in women and the fetus; considering the socio-cultural and familial context.
  • Identifies the main problems and pregnancy complications, birth and puerperium and the nursing interventions.
  1. Evolution of the maternal-child care in Portugal.
  2. Preconception.
  3. Antenatal.
  4. Birth and postpartum.
  5. Analgesia and anesthesia in obstetrics.
  6. Postconcepcional.
Suggested Bibliography:
  • Braden P (2000) Enfermagem Materno-Infantil, Rio de Janeiro: Reichmann & Affonso Ed. .
  • Campos D, Silva I, Costa F (2011) Emergências Obstétricas, Lisboa: Lidel.
  • Nelson K, Jaffe M, Kenner C, Amlung S (2002) Enfermagem Materno-Infantil: planos de cuidados, 3rd ed., Rio de Janeiro: Reichmann & Affonso Ed.
  • Hoffman B, Schaffer J, Schorge J (2014) Ginecologia de Williams, 2nd ed., Brasil: Artmed.
  • Néne M, Marques R, Batista M (Eds.) (2016) Enfermagem de Saúde Materna e Obstétrica, Lisboa: Lidel.