Statistics applied to Psychology II
Estatística Aplicada à Psicologia II
Course code:9219108
José Américo Almeida De Brito
Learning outcomes of the curricular unit:
This curricular unit aims are: to develop theoretical and practical knowledge of Univariate Statistics and to introduce the student to Multivariate Statistics, with applications to Psychology.
The competences to develop are the following:
- Identification and interpretation of the effects of main factors and interactions, on response variables in general linear models used in experimental studies.
- Identification and interpretation of associations between variables and assessment of moderation and mediation effects, in correlation studies.
- Identification and validation of the assumptions for univariate analysis of data.
- Application of univariate methods of data analysis using the SPSS software.
- Complements of Nonparametric Statistics
- ANOVA in experimental research.
- Linear regression analysis.
- Analysis of covariance.
- Fundamentals of multivariate statistics.
- Multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA).
- Repeated measures ANOVA.
Suggested Bibliography:
- Reis E (2001) Estatística Multivariada Aplicada, 2nd ed., Lisboa: Edições Sílabo. ISBN 972-618-247-6
- Maroco J (2007) Análise Estatística com utilização do SPSS, 3rd ed., Lisboa: Edições Sílabo. ISBN 972-618-452-2
- APA (2001) Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 5th ed., Washington, DC: APA. ISBN: 978-1-55798-791-4