Study Programmes

Statistics applied to Psychology II2

Estatística Aplicada à Psicologia II

Course code:9219108

José Américo Almeida De Brito

Learning outcomes of the curricular unit:

This curricular unit aims are: to develop theoretical and practical knowledge of Univariate Statistics and to introduce the student to Multivariate Statistics, with applications to Psychology.

The competences to develop are the following:

  • Identification and interpretation of the effects of main factors and interactions, on response variables in general linear models used in experimental studies.
  • Identification and interpretation of associations between variables and assessment of moderation and mediation effects, in correlation studies.
  • Identification and validation of the assumptions for univariate analysis of data.
  • Application of univariate methods of data analysis using the SPSS software.
  1. Complements of Nonparametric Statistics
  2. ANOVA in experimental research.
  3. Linear regression analysis.
  4. Analysis of covariance.
  5. Fundamentals of multivariate statistics.
  6. Multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA).
  7. Repeated measures ANOVA. 
Suggested Bibliography:
  • Reis E (2001) Estatística Multivariada Aplicada, 2nd ed., Lisboa: Edições Sílabo. ISBN 972-618-247-6
  • Maroco J (2007) Análise Estatística com utilização do SPSS, 3rd ed., Lisboa: Edições Sílabo. ISBN 972-618-452-2
  • APA (2001) Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 5th ed., Washington, DC: APA. ISBN: 978-1-55798-791-4