
Preventive Dentistry and Community Oral Health I (PDCOH I)1

Medicina Dentária Preventiva e Comunitária I

Course code:9548303

Ana Cristina Garcia de Matos Manso

Learning outcomes of the curricular unit:

The main focus objective is to guide and challenge the student in relation to the basic knowledge acquired and its consolidation and transformation, with regards to the preventive attitude in Individual and Community Oral Health, in the scientific area.
The student should be competent in the following capacities:

  • Understanding of basic oral and biomedical sciences, which allow to distinguish health from disease, applying the principles of health promotion and disease prevention.
  • The organisation and provision of healthcare in the community and in the hospital service.
  • The prevalence of the common dental conditions in Portugal.
  • The importance of community-based preventive measures.
  • The social, cultural and environmental factors, which contribute, to health or illness.
  • Applying knowledge of scientific and evidence knowledge, research, analysis, problem solving, planning, teamwork, to improving individual, family and community oral health.
  1. Concept of health and disease.
  2. Education for health.
  3. Principles of prevention and health promotion in dentistry.
  4. Principles, methods and applications in oral health - The qualitative and quantitative research in Oral Health.
  5. Models to health and health financing in dentistry.
  6. Dental care in Europe and Portugal. Note on the National Health Service and oral health care (Portugal).
  7. Characterization of oral health in the private system and the public system (Portugal).
  8. Dental health care models in Portugal - public health.
  9. Inequalities in oral health.
  10. The epidemiology in dentistry.
  11. Basic concepts and application in health services.
  12. Diagnosis tools of oral health conditions. Frequency measures, measures of association and impact, validity and accuracy.
  13. The epidemiology and health promotion: dental caries, periodontal disease, malocclusion.
  14. Cleft lip and palate and finally oral cancer.
  15. Search retrieval and critical appraisal.
Suggested Bibliography:
  • Pereira AC (2009, reimpr.2013) Tratado de saúde coletiva em odontologia. Nova Odessa, São Paulo: Napoleão. ISBN: 978-8560842131.
  • Sala EC, García PB (2013) Odontología preventiva y comunitária: principios, métodos y aplicaciones. 3rd ed., Barcelona, Elsevier Masson. ISBN: 978-84-4582203-6.
  • Hill MM, Hill A (2012) Investigação por questionário. 2nd ed., Ed. Sílabo. ISBN: 978-972-618-273-3.
  • Perez DR, Seiquer AC (2012) Odontologia Preventiva y Comunitaria. La odontologia social un deber, una necesidad, un reto. Santander (ESPAÑA), Fundacion Odontologia Social. ISBN: 978-84-615-7218-3.