Complementary Diagnostic Tests
Meios Complementares de diagnóstico
Course code:9548209
José Francisco Fernandes da Cruz Grillo Evangelista
Learning outcomes of the curricular unit:
The discipline of CDT has three components necessary to optimize or even allow diagnosis: Imaging, Clinical Pathology and Pathological Anatomy.
Students should learn the distinguished components in an integrated way, being required to acquire the necessary knowledge in a comprehensive way, closely related to future needs in clinical practice.
The interrelated study of Diagnostic Complementary Tests directed to clinical practice will develop the competence of teamwork; allow optimal medical training and dentist performance, therefore improving effectiveness when working with patients.
- Study of ionizing radiation, methods for obtaining dental radiographs, radiological anatomy, dental radiographic pathology, developmental abnormalities, jaws and teeth radiolucent and radiopaque images. Imaging in orthodontics, occlusion, traumatology and temporal-mandibular joint. Imaging of the salivary glands.
- Characterization of organic specimens. Blood: Red and white series. Immunohematology. Hemostasis. Respiratory and oral biological specimens. Functional tests.
- Cellular adaptation, inflammation, necrosis, hemodynamic, fluid and electrolyte alterations, carcinogenesis and neoplasia. Most often observed oral pathology, with special mention to leukoplakia, erythroplasia, cysts and neoplasia of the oral cavity.
Suggested Bibliography:
- Chimenos-Küstner, E. (2005) Radiología en medicina bucal. Masson, Barcelona. ISBN: 84-458-1512-1.
- Fejerskov O, Kidd EAM (2008) Dental caries: The disease and its clinical management. 2nd ed., Blackwell Munksgard, Oxford. ISBN: 978-1-4051-3889-5.
- Gorina AB (1997) La clínica y el laboratório: Interpretacion de análisis y pruebas funcionales, exploración de los síndromes, cuadro biológico de las enfermedades. 17ª ed., Masson, Barcelona. ISBN: 84-458-0538-X.
- Burmester G, Pezzutto A. (2005) Imunologia: texto e atlas. Lidel-Edições Técnicas, Lisboa. ISBN: 978-972-757-329-5.
- Cotran RS, Kumar V, Collins T (1999) Robbins pathologic basis of disease. 6th ed., W. B. Saunders, Philadelphia. ISBN: 0-7216-7335-X.