
Data Management and Organisation1

Gestão e Organização de Dados

Course code:9548103

Luís Francisco Alexandrino Proença

Learning outcomes of the curricular unit:
  • Formulate statistical hypotheses;
  • Select and apply appropriate statistical methods based on data and problem characteristics;
  • Interpret, discuss and recognize the limitations of statistical results;
  • Correctly synthesize statistical information of various types;
  • Understand and apply concepts of descriptive statistics and inferential statistical methods;
  • Critically select the most appropriate statistical procedures and interpret the obtained results;
  • Use specific software packages to perform statistical analysis;
  1. Data organization. Fundamental concepts in statistics. Understanding inferential statistics.
  2. Descriptive statistics. Sample statistics (location, dispersion and shape). Outliers.
  3. Bivariate analysis. Variables crossing / association. Correlation analysis.
  4. Estimation of parameters. Random variables. Distributions. Confidence intervals.
  5. Hypothesis testing. Methodology of statistical analysis (assumptions, applicability conditions, test statistics, decision, errors). Statistical designs for research / tests application.
  6. Parametric tests. Validation of assumptions. Parametric analysis for independent and paired samples. Nonparametric tests. Non-parametric analysis for independent and paired samples.
  7. Regression analysis.
Suggested Bibliography:
  • Callegari-Jacques SM (2003) Bioestatística: Princípios e Aplicações. Artmed. ISBN: 9788536300924.
  • Dawson B, Trapp RG (2004) Bioestatística Básica e Clínica. McGraw-Hill. ISBN: 9788586804328.
  • Marôco J (2011). Análise Estatística com o SPSS Statistics. ReportNumber. ISBN: 9789899676329.