Head and Neck Anatomy
Anatomia da Cabeça e Pescoço
Course code:9548226
Carlos Zagalo
Learning outcomes of the curricular unit:
The scope of this curricular unit is all the descriptive and topographical anatomy of the head and neck regions as well as the physiology of the organs and systems of the head and neck regions. An overview of head and neck, mouth and teeth embryology is also part of the program. The main goal of is to give students enough knowledge of head and neck anatomy and physiology that would allow them to integrate subjects of other adjacent areas. Subjects such as mastication, salivation, deglutition, phonation and nasal ventilation are particularly focused in order to be used in a future professional activity and should be used as a bridge to acquisition of further knowledge in other curricular units. It is intended a horizontal as well as a vertical integration of knowledge acquired. At the end of the curricular unit, students should be able to know the anatomical structures and the physiology that are part of the curricular program.
- Bones of the Skull and face, hyoid bone, vertebrae. Phonation and aesthetics.
- Sutures of the skull and face. Temporo mandibular joint.
- Muscles of facial expression. Subcutaneous muscles of the skull and neck. Masticatory muscles, muscles of the neck and nuchae. Cervical fasciae. Functions of muscle groups.
- Head and neck arteries, veins and lymphatics of the head and neck. Artery shunts. Lymphatic vessels and nodes.
- Peripheral nervous system: cervical plexus, cranial nerves. Central nervous system. Gustatory, Olfactory, visual, auditory and vestibular pathways.
- Autonomic nervous system: sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system. Morphology and physiology.
- Salivary glands. Salivation. Mouth and tongue. Mastication, deglutition and phonation.
- Thyroid and parathyroid glands. Thymus. Larynx and trachea. Pharynx. Esophagus.
- Nose, nasal cavities, nasal sinus.
- Cervico-facial topographic, clinical and surgical anatomy of the head and neck.
- Cervico-facial embryology.
Suggested Bibliography:
- Association for Dental Education in Europe Task Force II, 2010 update. ADEE.org
- Atlas de Anatomia Humana; R.Putz, R.Pabst; Ed. Guanabara Koogan, 2006. – Vol. 1 ISBN 978-85-277-1178-4, Vol. 2 ISBN 978-85-277-1194-4
- Gray’s Anatomy; 40th ed Lypincott. –ISBN 978-0-8089-2371-8
- Moreno, Anatomia Humana, 6ª ed. Egas Moniz, 2011. ISBN 972-98495-2-8
- Surgical Anatomy of the Head and Neck, WW Montgomery; Ed. Lippincott Williams e Wilkins, 2000. – ISBN 978-0683063028