Paediatric Dentistry Clinic III1

Clínica de Odontopediatria III

Course code:9548525

Irene Maria Ventura De Carvalho Ramos

Learning outcomes of the curricular unit:
  • Dealing with medical care and their implications.
  • Recognize the importance of public health and prevention.
  • Working in a team with different health professionals.
  • Making diagnoses, planning and carrying out treatments in dentistry.
  • Preventing and preserving the good development of the stomatognathic system of child ill with a view to good oral and general health over the life of the individual.
  • Recognize, understand and control the behaviour of the child sick in order to get their cooperation during treatment.
  • Troubleshoot failures.
  • Develop a taste for research.
  1. Implementation of dental care in the University Clinic, supervised by teacher - execution of clinical histories treatment plans, catering deciduous teeth and permanent with different materials.
  2. Endodontic treatment of deciduous and permanent teeth.
  3. Extraction of deciduous and permanent teeth.
  4. Maintenance scheduling and recovery of lost dental spaces.
  5. Care of patients with special needs.
Suggested Bibliography:
  • Bonecker M, Abanto J, Corrêa MSNP, Imparato JCP, Guedes-Pinto AC (2014) Problemas Bucales en Odontopediatria: Uniendo la Evidência Cientifica a la Prática Clínica. Ripano Editorial Médica, Madrid, España. ISBN: 978-84-942601-2-4.
  • Imparato JCP, Benedetto MS, Bonini GAVC, Guedes-Pinto AC (2010) Odontopediatria Baseada em Evidências Científicas, 1st ed., Santos Ed. ISBN: 9788572888080.
  • Boj JR, Catalá M, García-Ballesta C, Mendoza A, Planells P (2011) Odontopediatria – La evolucion del nino al adulto joven, Editorial Médica. ISBN: 978-84-938287-0-7.
  • Bordoni N, Escobar A, Mercado RC (2010) Odontologia Pediátrica: La salud del niño y el adolescente en el mundo actual. Editorial Medica Panamericana. ISBN: 9789500601191.
  • Universidade do Porto (2017) Textos escolhidos de Odontopediatria.09/2017. 1st Ed. ISBN: 978-84-615-7218-2.