Periodontology Clinic III1

Clínica de Periodontologia III

Course code:9548524

Gil Alves Pessanha Alcoforado | Ricardo de Almeida Castro Alves

Learning outcomes of the curricular unit:
  • Diagnose and plan the treatment of all cases of periodontal disease.

Students should have all skills of the "Code of Professional Skills of the Master in Dentistry": Generic skills, skills in knowledge and understanding, specific skills, professional ethics and professional attitude.


The clinical program is the entire curriculum of the Curricular Unit of Periodontology Clinic. In Periodontology Clinic III, students will apply technical and scientific knowledge, acquired in lectures/practical classes and clinical practical classes, to the diagnosis and treatment of patients with the following objectives:

  1. Prevent the developing periodontal pathology in subjects with healthy periodontium;
  2. Diagnosis, planning treatment and treat all early and moderate periodontal disease situations.

Whenever students start treatment of advanced periodontal disease situations, they should undertake every phase of conservative treatment and if there is indication for periodontal surgery, the students may participate in surgeries.

Suggested Bibliography:
  • Lindhe J & Lang NP (Eds.) (2015) Clinical Periodontology and Implant Dentistry. 6th ed., John Wiley & Sons Ltd. ISBN: 978-0-470-67248-8.
  • Rateitschak KH (2005) Periodoncia: atlas en color de odontologia. 3rd ed., Masson. ISBN: 978-84-458-1405.
  • Sato N (2000) Periodontal Surgery: A clinical Atlas. Quintessence Boocks. ISBN: 0-86715-377-6
  • Nevins & Mellonig (2003) Terapia Periodontal. Quintessence Books. ISBN: 84-89873-21-6