Periodontology Clinic II
Clínica de Periodontologia II
Course code:9548429
Gil Alves Pessanha Alcoforado | Ricardo de Almeida Castro Alves
Learning outcomes of the curricular unit:
- Diagnose and elaborate a treatment plan for all early and moderate periodontal disease situations.
- Be aware of the importance of Periodontology in Dentistry and Public Health.
- Diagnose correctly and guide all situations requiring advanced periodontal disease treatment.
Students should have all skills of the "Code of Professional Skills of the Master in Dentistry": Generic skills, skills in knowledge and understanding, specific skills, professional ethics and professional attitude.
- The diagnosis and treatment plan and performance of all initial and moderate cases of periodontal disease.
- Properly diagnose and guide all advanced periodontal disease situations that require more complex periodontal treatment.
- The importance of periodontal reevaluation in the treatment plan.
- Surgical treatment plan.
- Pre and post surgical care.
- Instruments and preparation of the surgical field.
- Most common surgical techniques, indications and contraindications.
- Techniques of periodontal regenerative treatment.
- Diagnosis and planning in rehabilitation with dental implants.
- Peri implant diseases and their treatment.
- Supportive periodontal therapy.
Suggested Bibliography:
- Lindhe J & Lang NP (Eds.) (2015) Clinical Periodontology and Implant Dentistry. 6th ed., John Wiley & Sons Ltd. ISBN: 978-0-470-67248-8.
- Rateitschak KH (2005) Periodoncia: atlas en color de odontologia. 3rd ed., Masson. ISBN: 978-84-458-1405.