Advanced Preventive Dentistry and Community Oral Health I
Medicina Dentária Preventiva e Comunitária Avançada I
Course code:9548404
Ana Cristina Garcia de Matos Manso
Learning outcomes of the curricular unit:
The main objective of the UC is to guide the student to participate actively, integrating theoretical knowledge with clinical practice with patients, consolidating learning topics such as early diagnosis and timely treatment. Through solid theoretical knowledge, subject understanding and adequate clinical experience, the student will be able to solve clinical problems, independently or without assistance.
The student must acquire competences:
- In the education of his / her patients, managing primary oral health care at all stages of their life (including children, adolescents, adults, and the aging population) in an adequate, effective and safe.
- In the risk assessment.
- In the treatment of oral disease, which supports the maintenance of oral and systemic health and improve the quality of life for the individual.
- In the non-invasive and minimally invasive management of caries and dental wear.
- In the management of periodontal disease and soft tissue diseases.
- Introduction to APDCOH I clinic.
- Caries: fundamentals of prevention and control.
- Diagnostic tests in Preventive Dentistry.
- Challenges in Oral Health.
- Diagnosis, prognosis, and clinical management of dental caries at both the individual and public health levels.
- The ICDAS (International Caries Detection and Assessment System /International Caries Classification and Management System – ICCMS TM).
- Periodontal disease as risk factor for other diseases.
- Considerations of Oral Public Health for periodontal disease.
- Policy guidance clinic in Preventive Medicine and Community.
- Halitosis: local and systemic causes. How to measure halitosis? Qualitative and quantitative methods. Diagnosis. Treatment of patients with oral halitosis cause.
- Materials and methods for controlling biofilm.
- The use of fluoride in Preventive Dentistry and Community: prescription and treatment.
- Approach for tooth remineralisation, non-invasive or minimally invasive approach, using inorganic remineralisation agents.
- Enamel alterations – tooth wear: attrition, erosion and tooth abrasion.
- Tooth hypersensitivity: definition, pathogenesis, aetiology, symptomatology and treatment.
- Dental trauma: risk factors and prevention
- Mouth protectors: basics concepts to making of a protective mouth guard; indications, contraindications.
- Protective dental care, among others: the oral piercing.
- Malocclusion in individual and collective prespective.
- The pregant and oral health.
- The aging and oral health
Suggested Bibliography:
- Cuenca SE, Baca GP (2013) Odontología preventiva y comunitária: principios, métodos y aplicaciones. 4th ed., Barcelona. Elsevier España S.A. ISBN: 978-84-4582203-6
- Rojas FE, Fernández VF (2009) Manual de Higiene Bucal. Sociedad Española de Periodoncia y Osteointegración, Médica Panamericana. ISBN: 978-84-9835-137-8
- Gómez SS (2010) Fluorterapia en Odontologia – Fundamentos y Aplicaciones Clínicas. 4th ed., Medica Panamericana. ISBN: 978-956-332-309-2
- Fejerskov O, Nyvad B, Kidd E (eds) (2015) Dental Caries: The Disease and its Clinical Management. 3rd ed. Wiley-Blackwell. ISBN: 978-1-118-93582-8
- Lussi A & Ganss C (2014) Erosive Tooth Wear From Diagnosis to Therapy. 2nd revised and extended edition of 'Dental Erosion - From Diagnosis to Therapy'. Karger. Vol. 20. ISBN: 978-3-318-02552-1
- Rocha de Olivera Carrilho M (2017) Root Caries: From Prevalence to Therapy. Karger ISBN: 978-3-318-06112-3