Periodontology Clinic I1

Clínica de Periodontologia I

Course code:9548428

Gil Alves Pessanha Alcoforado | Ricardo de Almeida Castro Alves

Learning outcomes of the curricular unit:
  • Diagnose and treatment plan for all early and moderate periodontal disease situations.
  • Diagnose correctly and guide all situations requiring advanced periodontal disease treatment.

Students should have all skills of the "Code of Professional Skills of the Master in Dentistry": Generic skills, skills in knowledge and understanding, specific skills, professional ethics and professional attitude.

  1. Changes that occur in the transition between health and different forms of periodontal disease.
  2. The immune reactions that explain the pathogenesis of periodontal destruction.
  3. The histopathology, clinical and microbiology of different forms of periodontal disease: the gingivitis and periodontitis. Periodontal manifestations of systemic diseases.
  4. Clinical manifestations that allow to diagnose all the cases of periodontal disease.
  5. The interpretation of the normal structures and pathological changes that can be detectable on radiographs and its contribution to the diagnosis in Periodontology.
  6. The periodontal treatment plan. All its components and general philosophy behind it.
  7. The importance of oral hygiene in periodontal treatment, the techniques used, their limitations and effectiveness.
  8. The importance of root scaling in periodontal treatment and the technical limitations and effectiveness.
  9. The effectiveness of topical and systemic antibiotics on pathogenic bacteria.
  10. The importance of the diagnosis of tumors of the periodontium and their therapeutic approach.
  11. The fundamental importance of the therapeutic approach in an emergency in periodontology.

Note: In all classes there will be the presentation and discussion of clinical cases, including the diagnosis, the therapeutic approach and the prognosis of the pathologies.

Suggested Bibliography:
  • Lindhe J & Lang NP (Eds.) (2015) Clinical Periodontology and Implant Dentistry. 6th ed., John Wiley & Sons Ltd. ISBN: 978-0-470-67248-8.
  • Rateitschak KH (2005) Periodoncia: atlas en color de odontologia. 3rd ed., Masson. ISBN: 978-84-458-1405.