Paediatric Dentistry Clinic I

Paediatric Dentistry Clinic I1

Clínica de Odontopediatria I

Course code:9548406

Luísa Bandeira Pires Monteiro Lopes Theriaga

Learning outcomes of the curricular unit:

As a large and multidisciplinary dentistry area, it is intended that students acquire medical-surgical and dental training in paediatric dentistry. Therefore, students should be capable of:

  • Making diagnosis, plan and carry out treatments in paediatric dentistry. Preventing and preserving the good development of the stomatognathic system of child patients in view of good oral and overall health over the life of the individual.
  • Recognizing, understanding and monitoring the infant patient's behaviour in order to obtain their cooperation during the treatment as well as parental cooperation.

Introduction of new areas and deepening of the theoretical foundations, verbal and nonverbal communication, for better programming and treatment outcomes of the clinical act.

Students are directly the direct followed by the teacher, for the acquisition of relative autonomy and evolutionary.



  1. Introduction to Infant Oral Medicine.
  2. Growth and development.
  3. Considerations and therapeutic options.
  4. Drugs: antibiotics, analgesics, anti-inflammatories.
  5. Oral manifestations of pathology of bacterial, fungal infections, parasitic and viral infection.
  6. Oral manifestations by nutrition disorders, digestive, endocrine disorders, cardiac, hematologic, myeloproliferative and renal alterations.
  7. Minimally invasive dentistry.
  8. Atraumatic restorative treatment.
  9. Evidence-based medicine.
  10. Preventive and interceptive orthodontics.
  11. Endodontics: primary teeth; immature permanent teeth.
  12. Periodontics: gum disease, juvenile periodontitis.
  13. The Abused children.


Implementation of dental care in the university clinic supervised by teacher responsible for the shift.
Suggested Bibliography:
  • Guedes-Pinto AC (2012) Odontopediatria. Livraria Santos.
  • Imparato JCP, Benedetto MS, Bonini GAVC, Guedes-Pinto AC (2010) Odontopediatria Baseada em Evidências Científicas, 1st ed., Editora Santos. ISBN: 9788572888080.
  • Bonecker M, Salete M, Pettorossi JC, Guedes-Pinto A (2014) Problemas bucales en odontopediatría: Uniendo la evidencia científica a la prática clínica. Madrid Editorial Ripano SA. ISBN: 978-84-942601-2-4.
  • McDonald RE & Avery DR (1995) Odontologia pediátrica e do Adolescente, Lisboa.
  • Boj JR, Catalá M, García-Ballesta C, Mendoza A, Planells P (2011) Odontopediatria – La evoluciondel nino al adulto joven, Editorial Médica. ISBN: 978-84-938287-0-7.