Endodontics II1

Endodontia II

Course code:9548323

Ana Cristina da Natividade Tavares Mano Azul

Learning outcomes of the curricular unit:

Theoretical part

  • The student must acquire the knowledge of the physical/chemical properties, application fields and manipulation instructions of the materials used in Endodontics, in an oriented way for their practical application in the clinic.
  • The student should acquire theoretical knowledge that allows the execution of the different works in the pre-clinical classes at a level permitting the beginning of the clinical activity next year.

Practical part

  • The student should acquire practical knowledge that allows the execution of the different works in the pre-clinical classes at a level permitting the beginning of the clinical activity next year.
  • The student should be able to manipulate in an independent way all the necessary equipments and instruments.
  • The student should be able to select and use the necessary instruments for each specific procedure.
  1. Pulpal and periapical diseases.
  2. Diagnosis and treatment planning. Clinical history, clinical examination, sensitivity pulp tests.
  3. Endodontic treatment in open apex teeth.
  4. Dentin and pulp protection concept (direct/indirect pulp capping and stepwise excavation).
  5. Vital pulp therapy.
  6. Isolation in Endodontics.
  7. Clinical cases discussion.
  8. Pre-clinical classes involving the complete endodontic treatment of 3 acrylic and 1 natural posterior teeth.
Suggested Bibliography:
  • Hargreaves KM & Berman L (Eds.) (2016) Cohen´s pathways of the pulp – Expert consult. 11th ed., Elsevier. ISBN: 978-0-323-09635-5.
  • Torabinejad M, Fouad A, Walton RE. (2014) Endodontics: Principles and practice. 5th ed., St. Louis: Saunders Elsevier. ISBN: 978-1-4557-5410-6